Tuesday, September 12, 2006


For the New Beginning project, we decided to make a HUGGING ZONE in Lillatorget as an unexpected happening in our daily lives. It was an enjoyable workshop to prepare our staff for the "premier" of the work.

Afterwards we went to Lillatorget at 11:30. We chose lunch time to be sure that there will be so many people around, means more possibility to be able to see our project is working. At first people just walked around the square we made or just crossed it without any reaction. At the time when excitement began to turn into hopelessness, people started to figure it out and hug each other by turning to the square like with a kind of respect.

On the other hand, don't think that it completely worked. People didn't run to the square for sharing their feelings or having some time emotionally. May be sometimes;
it reminded them being alone
or just made them thought that they do not want to hug anyone anymore...
or they needed to get a queue number as usual in Sweden.
or they just obeyed the rules..

(((Everybody has his own road in Sweden. Be sure that
you're in the right one. Follow the lines__________)))

While watching our scenary on the scene of life, I realised that sometimes we are not so curious about our surroundings. We are always in a hurry or we are too adult not to be able to enjoy.

Besides we heard that a bomb was found in Gustaf A. Torget at the same time. It was quite like an Irony; because we were trying to built up lives and they were trying to damage. Sometimes life seems so like Nietsche.. Isn't it???

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