Saturday, September 23, 2006

The City Malmö

My mood can change up to lots of things around especially wheather, music.. Today could be as crappy as yesterday; because I was so close to be melancholic as a consequence of the new happenings if I let them to survive.Whether I did not.. The wheather was so beautiful and after having a good breakfast and having the laundry, we've just went to the benches close to the beach to read and breath freshly with the sun onto our faces.Perhaps Malmö was totally there, eating ice cream and having fun in the last days of summer. Clem and I walked on the stones,,, oupss!! sorry!! They were ART; called " Diamonds are everywhere."

I just want to thank to the Swedes who make life easier and likeable more than ever even if being against the eaisest, I am..

1 comment:

red but orange package said...

you are the one i need, sometimes..
thanks for catchin' up.

and not sure about the dreamyard=??
it is mine=)
however, if you lend yours, i can paint with my colors=)??

be close and feel your moonlight onto your face.. as always=)
